Recruitment is a seriously competitive industry, but we’re sure no-one needs to tell you that!
Winning clients, and more importantly retaining them, is more challenging than ever before.
Luckily there are a number of different strategies you can employ to improve your chances of holding on to your clients:
1) Demonstrate Your Experience
Whether it’s through the brand you develop for your agency, or social media, you should always be demonstrating your experience.
We don’t mean chewing a client’s ear off telling them all about the amazing placements you’ve made in the past!
Instead share insightful thought leadership pieces, join industry-relevant online conversations and build a brand that resonates in the industry you’re operating in.
If a client trusts that you know your stuff, you’re much more likely to win their business and hold onto it!
2) Build a Customer-Centric Recruitment Agency
Customer-centricity has been a buzzword for the past few years. It’s all about putting your customer at the heart of your business.
Within recruitment it means considering the needs of clients and candidates, and building your processes in a way that responds to them.
It’s about setting your customer’s expectations and consistently exceeding them in a meaningful way that builds long term trust.
If you can successfully build a customer-centric recruitment agency, you will reap the many benefits.
3) Focus on Your Niche
Starting a recruitment agency with a niche focus can be a great strategy to employ.
It’s this niche that’s really going to get you in the door with new clients. Rather than trying to take a blanket approach, really double-down on your niche, and use it in your interactions and your marketing.
Make your client realise that a specialist recruiter will deliver more than a general recruiter.
4) Don’t Let Leads Go Cold
This won’t be new advice if you’ve worked in the recruitment industry, or any sales role, for many years. However it’s amazing how often leads can go cold.
If you get a knock back from a client who isn’t ready to hire, keep in touch.
Why not consider starting a newsletter with insightful industry news as it gives you a way to land in your client’s inbox each week or two, without any hassle.
5) Look at Your Processes
When a client is onboarded to your business, do they all follow the same process? Will every interaction they make with your business deliver the level of service you would like?
Reviewing and improving your processes won’t just help you retain clients but also help you win them.
If you can demonstrate that working with you will make their life easier, then they’re much more likely to work with you.
Here at New Millennia we believe we’d be able to make your life easier too! Take a look at the services we can provide or get in touch to find out more.