Richard Morgan is the managing director of Remit Resources. He has been using our client and candidate attraction toolkit to promote his business and talk up the recruitment industry. He tells us why he’s proud to be a recruiter.
I originally worked for a technology company and that’s where my passions really lie. I moved into recruitment wanting to use my knowledge of tech. Every business is a tech business, but the real differences are people. Recruitment gives you a unique opportunity to work with both.
Recruiting in technology is challenging. Specialisms are a big trend. The more generalist candidates are finding that harder. When you look at the specialist roles, the right skills are hard to find. We work with small to medium businesses who are demanding specialist candidates – cloud technology in particular. The ability to reskill and change is critical. Candidates have to be more adaptable. The next generation of candidates coming through – the millennials – are more adaptable. They’re used to it. Often the challenge lies with candidates who have been in a job for a long time.
One of our consultants was working with a candidate – a really nice guy – who had been on 22 interviews and hadn’t got a job. When he was asked technical questions, he was an expert. But the reality is that he didn’t know the soft skills questions. He had been out of work for five months, so we spent a lot of time on soft skills – interviews, how to relate skills to a company – three or four hours building that up. He was offered a job at his next interview. If we can merge the human part with the technical part, we’re happy.
I don’t recognise the kind of recruiter who doesn’t care about candidates and just fires out CVs. I wonder sometimes if we talk ourselves down completely. When I talk to most clients and candidates, they don’t have the same view of recruiters as we do for ourselves. People spend most of their time at work and it’s important they have jobs they’re happy and develop in, and we do that. Candidates are people, and we help them and clients get better by getting better jobs. Sometimes it means getting more money for them, sometimes it means a better work life balance, sometimes it means working with different technologies. Certainly in our business, we’re interested in finding better jobs for people.
I think it’s a great time to be in recruitment. It makes positive impacts on people’s lives and our clients businesses. We do really important work.
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