Why Use New Millennia to Finance Your Recruitment Startup?

01 Aug 2019

Starting Your Own Recruitment Agency

You could argue that deciding to set up a recruitment business in the first place is the most important step of all. In reality, however, this simply isn’t the case.  Deciding to launch a new recruitment startup is one thing – accessing the resources needed to make it happen is something else entirely.

Irrespective of how confident you are about your company’s subsequent success; you’ll need tailored financial support to get things up and running in the first instance.

Overcoming Common Challenges

Getting started as a new recruitment company means planning ahead for every challenge you’re likely to face. Unsurprisingly, the biggest challenge of all is financing your business during those early weeks and months.

A recruitment company is unlike a traditional business, in that initial outgoings can vastly augment revenues for quite some time. This is due to the way in which recruitment companies are obliged to ensure every candidate is paid in-full and on-time, irrespective of whether, or not the client has settled their invoices.

Bridging this gap between incomings and outgoings can place an enormous financial strain on a new recruitment startup. Particularly when considering all of the additional and inevitable expenses that accompany new business establishment in general. Rather than simply relying on a finite financial reserve until cash flow issues can be balanced out, it pays to secure specialist support from the earliest possible stage.

Why Work with New Millennia?

Here at New Millennia, our services ensure your new start business is given the strongest possible chance to be a success. What separates New Millennia from comparable organisations is our extensive 18+ years of experience in this precise area of business. We work closely with recruitment agency startups of all shapes and sizes, getting to know our clients’ expectations, requirements and objectives at the deepest possible level.

From credit control to invoicing to payroll management, we ensure there are no gaps or financial holes whatsoever in our clients’ financial operations.

Along with true 100% funding, New Millennia can help your business stay on top of the most important yet time-consuming administrative responsibilities.  By providing a complete range of funding and back office support services under one roof, we’re able to streamline our clients’ operations and eliminate unnecessary distractions from the equation.

With New Millennia on board, you’re free to focus on what really matters – building and running your new recruitment company.

How We Can Support Your Business

What makes New Millennia different is our extensive experience and expertise in this precise area of the market. Having assisted with the successful launch of hundreds of recruitment companies, we can provide the expert advice and support you need for a strong and confident launch. From start to finish, you’ll benefit from a personally dedicated team of experts, trained to help guide you through those essential initial decisions.

While some recruitment funding providers focus exclusively on finance, we provide the all-round support that can and does make a real difference.  Whatever the size and nature of the recruitment company you intend to launch, you’ll be a big step closer to making it happen with New Millennia behind you.

Our initial consultations are offered 100% free of charge with no strings attached, so there’s nothing to lose by finding out how New Millennia can help you.  Contact a member of our customer support team today for more information, or to discuss your requirements in more detail.

Try New Millennia today!

Call us on 0161 337 9882 to get started

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